Saturday, March 20, 2010

Respect in a Relationship

Respect in a relationship means that each person values who the other one is, understands and would never challenge the other person’s boundaries. Love and respect should always exist together. When you love somebody, you make only good things to them. When you respect somebody, you acknowledge the right of the person to decide about what is actually good for them. Combining both feeling together you help your partner to fulfill his/her choice (in case it doesn’t contradict any of your own principles). But it is terrible if the first exists without the second.

Sometimes we are missing in our relationship listening in non-judgmental manner and an attempt to understand and affirm other’s emotions. If one partner’s self-respect is higher than the other’s it could easily lead to controlling and dominating behaviour of that one partner. Boundaries of self-respect are connected with set of values and beliefs in one’s life rather than feelings. When someone loves you, you feel valued, respected and free to be yourself. You are not meant to be feeling intimidated or controlled. Someone who loves you should help you to feel good about yourself. This is respect in a relationship which is the main key to a healthy, successful relationship.

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