Any argument is unpleasant and annoying. People often regret about words told in the heat of an argument, but very few can overcome pride and admit their mistakes.
Maybe it would be better not to bring up the argument? Let us try to figure out in what ways you can stop the argument.
1. Deeply breathe in and slowly breathe out.
If you feel that mere discontent comes into a loud arguing, spot it and make a deep breath and slowly breathe out. This one breath could help you and your opponent to calm down.
2. Be silent.
If your nervous system is strong and resistant to external distortions, then this method is for you. When the argument only starts, your partner is moaning or disagreeing, keep quite. Let him say everything that he thinks. Maybe he does not need your answers; it just needs to come out!
3. Long live compromise!
Arguments between partners, lovers and friends are very often occurring because people do not compromise. Even if you are very short-tempered, try to evaluate the situation right: whether to argue or not, what could be the effect of an argument on a relationship, and maybe it is better to agree to give up? Of course, this works not in all situations.
4. Turn it into a joke.
Sometimes an appropriate joke turns an argument to none. But it is true, that a joke could heat the air for fights even more. Your partner might think that you make fun of him and who would like when people laugh over him?
5. Change the topic.
One of the ways to extinguish a conflict situation is to switch the topic so that it won’t be connected to the cause of quarrel. Perhaps in a few minutes you will forget how it all started.
If you did argue.
Do not be afraid to admit your fault and apologize. The word “sorry” is a short but very meaningful and important. Think about how important for you to convince someone in something? Maybe it is better to embrace and make up an argument?